A Beginner's Guide to Hook Mechanism in Go

What are Hooks?

Hooks are a way to extend the functionality of an application by allowing developers to "hook" into certain events or actions that occur during the application's lifecycle. Hooks can be used to modify the behavior of an application, add new features, or perform custom actions.

For example, imagine you have an application that performs some processing when a user logs in. You could use a hook to add some additional processing when the user logs in, such as sending a welcome email or logging the login event.

Hooks are widely used in various systems, including web applications, operating systems, and programming languages. In this blog post, we will be exploring the hook mechanism and how to implement it in the go programming language.

Hook Mechanism

The hook mechanism consists of three primary components: the hook interface, the hook register function, and the hook implementation. The hook interface defines the operations or blueprint for the hooks. All hooks should implement these operations. The hook register function is used to register custom hooks with the program. The hook implementation contains the custom code to be executed during the hook.

Implementing Hooks in Go

To implement hooks in Go, we'll first define an interface that hooks must implement. This interface will define the Init(), Perform(), and Destroy() methods that hooks must implement. Here is an example of what this interface might look like:

type Hook interface {

Next, we'll define a registration function that hooks can use to register themselves with the application. This function will take an instance of the hook interface and add it to a list of registered hooks. Here is an example of what this function might look like:

var hooks []Hook

func Register(h Hook) {
  hooks = append(hooks, h)

Now that we have our interface and registration function defined, we can start implementing our hooks. Let's take a look at an example of a simple hook:

//go:build hook_1
// +build hook_1

package hooks

import (

type MyHook1 struct {
  name string

func (m *MyHook1) Init() {
  fmt.Println("Initializing Hook 1")

func (m *MyHook1) Perform() {
  fmt.Println("Performing Hook 1")

func (m *MyHook1) Destroy() {
  fmt.Println("Destroying Hook 1")

func init() {
  fmt.Println("Registering hook 1")
  Register(&MyHook1{name: "MyHook1"})

Finally, we modify the main function of our program to get all the registered hooks and call their Init(), Perform(), and Destroy() functions.

func main() {
  hooks := hooks.GetHooks()

  fmt.Println("Got hooks", len(hooks))

  for _, v := range hooks {

  for _, v := range hooks {

  for _, v := range hooks {

The program first retrieves all the registered hooks and calls their Init() function to initialize the hook-specific data. Then, the program calls the Perform() function of each hook, which performs the hook's functionality. Finally, the program calls the Destroy() function of each hook to clean up the hook.

Regarding the build comments ( //go:build hook_1 or // +build hook_1 ), you can use them to control which hooks are included in the built binary. For example, if you want to include only the first hook in the binary, you can use the following command to build the application:

go build -tags hook_1

This command will include only the files that match the build tag hook_1, which in this case will be our above hook. If you want to include all hooks, you can omit the build tag:

go build

In conclusion, the hook mechanism in Go allows developers to add hooks to their code, which can be executed at specific times during program execution. This mechanism provides developers with flexibility and the ability to add custom snippets. The code snippets and explanations in this blog post should help you get started with implementing hooks in your own Go programs.

If you want to see the complete code with all the hooks, you can check out the GitHub repository here: https://github.com/lets-learn-it/go-learning/tree/master/21-packages-and-modules/04-hook-mechanism. The repository includes a main.go file, a hooks folder containing various hooks, and a register.go file, which is a helper for registering the hooks.